Deliverable 2.3: Compound references information resources
Deliverable 2.6: EU-ToxRisk knowledge infrastructure sustainability
Deliverable 3.4: Repository of in silico methods
Deliverable 5.1: AOPs and key events for adverse effects
Deliverable 7.6: Applicability domain of TTB for DART and RDT defined
Deliverable 10.1: Mapping ToxCast data to AOPs
Deliverable 11.2: Hazard assessment based on read accross
Deliverable 11.3: (Ab initio) hazard assessment
Deliverable 12.3: Central service package
Deliverable 12.5: Sustainable commercialization platform
Deliverable 13.3: Dissemination of midterm results
Deliverable 13.4: Dissemination of final results